Since November is National Adoption Month we wanted to share a little bit about why orphan care is so important to the owners here at LaBella Flora. Whether or not you knew it, buying is giving when you choose to order from our website! Since 2005, we have been giving at least 3% of our gross sales (not profit, sales!) directly to various orphanages around the world.

Here are some amazing facts:
- Our 2006 donation to Haiti Home for Children was used to help build a second structure for their children.
- Our 2007 and 2008 donations to New Hope Uganda were used to build two new classrooms for vocational training, carpentry and tailoring.
- Our multiple donations to Chosen Children in Silang, Cavite, Philippines (where our owners adopted one of their daughters!) has been used to establish a trust fund for the orphanage. Many of the children with disabilities will spend there entire lives at the village, so it is important for Chosen Children to have a long term plan.
- Two of our employees (including the owners) have been touched by adoption in their lives, so this cause really hits home for us!
Now as the business has grown, so has our ability to donate. We are now working with just one orphanage, Village of Hope Guatemala. Our owners, LaDonna and Steve have personally made the trip to Guatemala three times in 2013 and have been amazed by the major transformation! They are building family style homes for children with special needs and providing homes for children.
Here is a great video about the Block family (the family who started Village of Hope) and what they do for the children at Village of Hope.
While every dollar makes a difference, we hope our focus on one orphanage will be able to assist with larger projects. We sincerely appreciate your business and the way it has financially supported, not only our family, but those in need as well!
We hope this has given you a little bit more insight on why we are so touched by adoption and why we are such a big supporter of this cause. Feel free to view our about page to read more information on our contributions. Has adoption touched your life or someone close to you? Comment below and give us your thoughts!
xoxo Cassidy