From Guatemala with Love

At first glance the vibrant patchwork pieces in our handmade Friends 4 Hope line speak to our mind’s idea of the Guatemalan style. With a deeper look, we see a stronger history sewn into these bags than we could have imagined. Each individual fabric pattern is used in different villages to dress the women and even young girls. These heavier, ankle length skirts come in only one length and width and are fastened after wrapping around her waist 2 to 3 times. We are so blessed with the wide selection of style and fashion we take for granted most every morning. I don’t know about you, but I spend time debating between one look to the next before I settle on my daily clothes. Like the other pieces we offer in this line, 100% of the price you pay for the item is given to the Life Song for Orphans foundation in support of the Block family’s passion to build a new orphanage. With the money spent not only are you receiving an unique accessory, but you are also receiving a piece of their cultural history. Use this as a reminder of the children the Block family has a heart for any time you carry this bag.

News Update: LaDonna is considering going back to Guatemala for a second visit. She is excited at the possibility to see the Blocks and also bring back more handmade pieces to add to the Friends 4 Hope line. Keep her plans in your thoughts!

❤ Katie
PS) The bag photographed above by Margaret James Photography is one of my personal favorites. It is the perfect bag for fall, rich tones, heavy fabric, and three outer pockets. 😀
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